Plans to celebrate the tercentenary of freemasonry are well underway. At Provincial Grand Lodge in Barry, our Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Gareth Jones, OBE in addressing us said:-
“Looking ahead , we will have our tercentenary to celebrate. We already have 2 big events planned in South Wales and I have asked W.Bro. Kevin Hearne to co-ordinate all activities across the Province and to take the lead in ensuring we contribute to national activities too. 2017 is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our communities with pride, show what we as Freemasons do for the good of society, dispel some more of the myths about our Craft and attract more good men into our ranks. I hope all lodges – or all masonic centres – will plan to hold at least one event to celebrate our 300 years, perhaps linked to a showing of the Royal Albert Hall celebrations.”
To discover more about what is happening and how you can get involved click here
To obtain your Tercentenary Jewel click here